Dermaplaning helps to remove dead skin cells, exfoliates and removes vellus hair from the face aka peach fuzz. The products applied to the skin after dermaplaning are able to penetrate deeper resulting in GLOWING SKIN. It also helps with your daily makeup application, resulting in a smoother appearance.
The Oxygen Facial is nourishing and reparative facial for any skin type It works by introducing a controlled amount of oxygen, generated at an optimal level on the skin, to provide maximum health benefits to help replace the ruddy-look associated with acne and rosacea with instant brighter skin.
Gold Face Mask
A deep exfoliation with many benefits. Rejuvenation, Discoloration, Lightscarring and sun damage are a few conditions hydrodermabration can help with.
Lymphatic Facial Massage
The unique blend of lymphatic drainage and massage techniques. Lymphatic massage is an ancient healing technique where we bring about a fundamental change in the skin by clearing blockages, creating space and movement in the underlying structures, so that the skin can function better.